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IR Policies

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Purpose and Basic Policy of IR Activities

SHO-BOND Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter the Company) is committed to disclosing information regarding management strategies, outlines of business activities and financial statuses in an accurate, fair and timely manner for the purpose of promoting understanding of the Company’s activities among all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, and thereby building long-term relationships of trust and obtaining adequate evaluation.

Information Disclosure Standards

The Company shall disclose information pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and the timely disclosure rules set forth by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In addition to the information set forth in the rules above, the Company also discloses information that is deemed useful to third-parties in understanding the Company, within the Company’s discretion, and in a fair and prompt manner.

Information Disclosure Method

The Company discloses information subject to the timely disclosure rules, through the timely disclosure network (TDnet) operated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The same information shall promptly be posted on the Company’s website. The Company is also committed to disclosing relevant information not defined in the timely disclosure rules, through appropriate channels in accordance with the aim of timely disclosure.

Quiet Period

In order to prevent leaks of financial results information and ensure fairness of disclosure, the Company employs a quiet period from the day following the settlement date to the day on which financial results are announced. During the period, the Company shall refrain from responding to questions regarding financial results. In cases where financial forecasts may alter significantly during the quiet period, however, the Company shall disclose such information pursuant to the timely disclosure rules.

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